Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kaspersky Lab's head of Eugene? Kaspersky will be early in April to China

Kaspersky Lab's founder & CEO, Mr. 灏ら噾鍗″反鏂熀 on March 31 will come to China. This is the early March release version of product for three years (Kaspersky Internet Security software, version three years), the bring us another super surprise.

In 2007, Mr. 灏ら噾鍗″反鏂熀 China, by the media and fans of the blitz. Also in that year, Kaspersky has become one of China's leading information security vendor type. Information in the economic environment and deteriorating security environment in the double in 2009, his visit will give us? Will as did two years ago, will Kaspersky business in China and then to a new height? To We will see.

Annex 1: to Mr. 灏ら噾鍗″反鏂熀

灏ら噾鍗″反鏂熀 (Eugene Kaspersky), founder of Kaspersky Lab, chief anti-virus expert - and love "to collect the virus."

Eugene graduated from the Russian code - Telecommunications and Computer Science, Mathematics Engineering. In his 16 years of age jumping into the code, Telecommunications and Computer Science student, from the 1980s will be for data compression and cryptography, has a deep research into the KGB after graduation as a password analytic work.

October 1989, his computer infected with the Cascade virus, he successfully self-detoxification, from the computer virus and information security issues and the depth of interest. His friend told him that this interest is often to help him collect virus samples for his research. In a few months later he wrote a tool for anti-drug program known as the "-V".

In 1991 he entered the computer company KAMI work, anti-virus software company Kaspersky to find with department colleagues founded Kaspersky Lab's predecessor "AVP", 1994 University of Hamburg in Germany (Universit? T Hamburg), Institute for AVP anti-virus program developed by a high rating. 1997 AVP formal corporatization, Kaspersky Lab, and the introduction of anti-virus software AntiViral Toolkit Pro, this software was in November 2000 changed its name to Kaspersky Antivirus.

Has 16 years of professional experience in the field of information security, Eugene Kaspersky is the field of international information security one of the top-level experts in computer virology, the various new and old problems, malicious code trends and cutting-edge anti-virus technology research published a large number of articles and reviews, he annually in major international information security conference report are subject to the industry very seriously.灏ら噾鍗″反鏂熀 is the world's leading computer anti-virus Research Organization (CARO) members, all of the organization of international top-class anti-virus experts.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

C mixed programming with scripting

Write programs in linux, do network of people, more or less of several scripts.鑴氭湰璇█鐏垫椿鐨勫彉閲忕被鍨嬨?寮哄ぇ鐨勬鍒欒〃杈惧紡澶勭悊鑳藉姏锛屽啀鍔犱笂linux绯荤粺鏈韩鐨勭閬撱?閲嶅畾鍚戜互鍙婁赴瀵岀殑鍛戒护琛屽伐鍏凤紝璁╀綘缂栫▼璧锋潵娓稿垉鏈変綑銆?br />
The C language does have many advantages, but it is undeniable that many occasions, more convenient to use scripting language, such as we will illustrate the handling of the configuration file.

Take a look at our sample program tasks:

Suppose we have a program written with c, it has a configuration file user.conf, save some user information, user.conf defined as follows:

1) to comment line # at the beginning of the act, not treated

2) to allow blank lines

3), if not 1 and 2, it is valid data in the following form

# User.conf: configure file for user
銆??# username age backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp country
tom 20 male us
銆??chen 22 female cn
Each column is divided into four fields, between fields with one or more blank characters (spaces or tabs) separate the field followed by the name, age, gender, national

Our c procedures to be completed on user.conf the add, delete, edit, query

Such a simple task, together with c processing is not complicated, but also to spend something about, and if the scripting language used to do, very simply, can call the script in the c done it?

銆??Awk鏄痩inux涓婁竴绉嶈剼鏈瑷?紝瀹冪殑闀垮鍦ㄤ簬澶勭悊鏈変竴瀹氭牸寮忚鍒欑殑鏂囦欢锛屼緥濡傚挶浠殑user.conf銆?Information on awk, many, oreilly company out of a special awk programming books, the Internet also can be downloaded. You can also look directly man awk.

Let's see how combine with the shell awk to accomplish these tasks:

1) Add a record

銆??渚嬪锛岃娣诲姞 jack 18 male us 杩欐牱涓?潯璁板綍锛屽彲浠ョ畝鍗曠殑鐢ㄩ噸瀹氬悜鍔熻兘

Echo Ce "jack 18 male us">> user.conf

2) Delete a record

For example, the information you want to delete the user chen

cat user.conf awk '! / ^ chen: blank: + / print'> tmp.conf; mvCftmp.conf user.conf
3), editing a record


Through the system () this function, we can call the above script in c to complete the task.

However, system () still feel uncomfortable with them, the lack of it is only for scripting, but can not get the script output data, which is usually our source of data for further processing. (In the shell and perl, you can by anti-quotation marks (``) to get the command output). One solution is to redirect output to a temporary file, then read the file in the c, to obtain data, and finally of course, delete this file. However, this method always make people feel a little uncomfortable, if the output directly to the script execution in the data input to our buffer to the better.

I wrote a small function, called my_system (), through pipes and redirection, to achieve the above ideas.鍑芥暟鍘熷瀷濡備笅锛?br />
銆??int my_system(const char* pCmd, char* pResult, int size)锛?br />Output data is saved to the buffer pointed to by pResult, the buffer size for the size, can save up to size-1 data.

Functions to achieve the final article on

With this function after calling the script in the c more convenient, we can use it to achieve user.conf inquiries.

4), query a record

銆??渚嬪锛屾垜浠鑾峰彇 tom 鐨勬?鍒?br />
銆??鍙互鐢ㄨ剼鏈繖鏍锋潵瀹炵幇锛?br />
銆??cat user.conf awk 鈥?^tom:blank:+/ print $3鈥?br />銆??鑴氭湰鐨勬墽琛岀粨鏋滄槸 tom鐨勬?鍒?male琚緭鍑哄埌灞忓箷涓?br />
銆??鍦ㄦ垜浠殑 c绋嬪簭涓紝濡傛璋冪敤 my_system()锛?br />
char buf101;
銆??my_system(鈥渃at user.conf awk 鈥?^tom:blank:+/ print $3鈥欌?,buf,101);
After the call finished, buf the data is the "male" a, how, pretty easy right?

銆??浠ヤ笂鍙槸鐢ㄧ粨鍚堣剼鏈畬鎴愪簡涓?釜姣旇緝绠?崟鐨勪换鍔★紝鎵?互鎴戞病鏈夋妸杩欎簺鑴氭湰鍗曠嫭褰㈡垚鑴氭湰鏂囦欢銆?If you are good at using perl, shell, awk, you can write a more powerful script file to handle more complex problems, then a similar my_system () method, in c / c + + and other languages to obtain the script output to achieve interesting "hybrid programming."

I hope you can have fun!

# Include
# Include
# Include
# Include
# Include
銆??static int my_system(const char* pCmd, char* pResult,intsize)
銆??int fd2;
int pid;
int count;
int center;
char * p = 0;
int maxlen = size C 1;
memset (pResult, 0, size);
printf (pipe error \ n);
return C1;
/ / Chile process
int fd22;
printf (pipe2 error \ n);
return C1;
close (1);
dup2 (fd21, 1);
close (fd0);
close (fd21);
read (fd20, pResult, maxlen);
pResultstrlen (pResult) -1 = 0;
write (fd1, pResult, strlen (pResult));
close (fd20);
exit (0);
/ / Parent process
close (fd1);
p = pResult;
center = maxlen;
銆??while((count = read(fd0, p, center)))
p + = count;
center -= count;
close (fd0);
return 0;
int main (void)
char result1025;
my_system (/ sbin / ifconfig, result, 1025);
printf (the result is \ n \ n% s \ n, result);
return 0;


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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Job 10 kinds of unhealthy attitude towards students

Shyness. Lost in the written submissions and run job site, facing recruiters stammer, blush, such a person is naturally uncomfortable employer appreciated.

Career psychology. "Learning and the Official Career," an official is the only proper that, Qiaojiannaodai to "Yamen" drill, did not realize that these places are the relationship between strength and Competition, well very people who can enter, and the results are mostly ending up first broken blood flow.

Mental comparisons. Some students say "level", during which I feel results in the campus than you, honor more than you, "official" than you, of course, work should be better than you. But I do not know the employer does not judge talent as the sole criterion, the keen rivalry of the "outstanding student" can only in the "standing above the crowd" to appreciate the lonely days and lonely.

Psychotherapy. Some students lack of independence, go out to see the Federation Ella parents, classmates and companions, or a buddy to help co-applicants the same unit by fixing the future take care of each other, this non-assertive and enterprising graduates will be the employer abandoned.

Psychological dependence. They do not hurry to find work, which climbed all day thinking about the relationship between relatives and friends, get some money to buy a job, so I am afraid that difficult to do long posts bought.

Local mental.杩欎簺澶у鐢熶笉鎰垮嚭杩滈棬锛屽彧鎰垮湪鐪煎墠鐨勨?涓?憨涓夊垎鍦扳?閲屽氨涓氾紝鍙︿竴浜涗汉鍒欐棭鏃╃櫥涓婄埍鎯呮柟鑸燂紝姣曚笟鍚庝负涓庡彟涓?崐鐣欏畧鍚屼竴鎴樺鑰屾瀹堜竴鏂癸紝杩欐牱鐨勪汉榧犵洰瀵稿厜锛岄毦鏈変綔涓恒?

Conservative psychology. Lack of sense of competition, not the challenge, or holding modesty "virtue" without letting go, afraid to reveal their own strengths and characteristics of the tiger air, loyalty are not, such people are not naturally favored employers.

Low on the psychological.涓庝繚瀹堝績鐞嗙浉鍙嶏紝杩欎簺浜烘?瑙夊緱绔炰簤婵?儓锛岃嚜宸辨妧涓嶅浜猴紝閬傜敇鎷滀笅椋庯紝涓嶆暍瀵硅嚜宸扁?鏄庣爜鏍囦环鈥濓紝鎵句釜涔板鑽夎崏鍗栧嚭銆?For some units out of the unequal agreements entered into with eyes closed, serious risks to future work.
World-weary psychological. These students thought radical, trendy, always put "cool", did not go out looking for work, low wages and there too badly treated here, one that is their job to the boss, do not say you can not find the money owed was also down a bunch of money.

False psychology. Fake degree, fake certificates, fake honor, etc. are not knocking on the door of employment straw, can not fake after all long, but only harm their reputation, destroy their future.



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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Different opinions

"3G will lead to economic disaster" arguments, mainly around the three areas: market demand, investment orientation and development across 3G 4G. The so-called "unknown reason do not argue, do not speak clear feeling." Academic nature should view this debate out of a 3 level and length.

On Demand

Kan Kaili view:

"In our country, should not be on 3G, the most important issues which demand is a serious shortage of 3G, which has been fully proved by the fact that many domestic and foreign."

"In the U.S., the European 3G operators in more than 80% of revenue still comes from voice and 99% of businesses can be completed by the 2G systems, resulting in the loss of 3G operators. In China, Unicom's CDMA1X international 灏辨槸 3G system provides almost all the 3G services, but demand is very small, is also a serious loss. "

Rebuttal comments:

"Communication World" director and editor in chief of items Li Gang: "3G is a completely new technology, 2G, 2.5G, 2.75G with essential difference. China's first time on communication, a mobile phone of a 20 000 dollars, many people that there is no market, but the market is changing, the network price is now down more than 10 times the phone fell to 1,000 yuan. If in 2006 on 3G, with the present level of income, now 3G terminal price will still be people that do not market However, the 3G market in 2006 will certainly be change. "

MII telecom expert Dr. Chen Kai: "3G is a market, but also on many other factors, such as business rates, mobile phone prices, the user's level of education, the region's economic development level. From the current status of mobile development is not difficult to analyze, some developed regions, high-end users, fashion people in need on the 3G is in the affirmative. Therefore, can not simply say yes or no demand for 3G. "

Tsinghua University Professor Gao Xudong: "I think there is definitely a demand, the key is the size of the problems and needs time. From the world's development, the demand for 3G is not the original thought is good, but in Japan, South Korea also has a good of development. "

Investment of

Kan Kaili view:

"Insufficient demand will bring serious loss of carriers, which in China's telecommunications industry is an indisputable consensus. 3G operators around the world situation is still serious losses, the profitability of 3G in China will be even more remote, and even its survival are worrying. "

"Therefore, we must seriously consider the urgent need to promote our country and certainly not a serious loss of 3G, will be put into this 600 billion pairs of China mean? This has not only economic, but political issues, is to not on the fundamental interests of broad masses of people responsible principles. "

Rebuttal comments:

School of Economics and Management Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Professor Lv Tingjie: Over the past two years, China's telecommunications network investment is 200 billion yuan on average, the money sooner or later to vote, a loss is hard to say. "Technology is the engine of the economy, any advances in technology will not lead to economic disaster. In Western countries, whether the moon program, or a planet program, it is by constantly introducing new technologies to promote industrial development. on 3G, also have this meaning. "

CATR, deputy chief engineer Yang Peifang: "3G operators will operate short-term risk. The industry that goes: 'the new technology is to court death, not a new technology is to die.' But the court death there is a chance, If the die is 100 percent dead. "

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Professor of Economics and Management, Competitiveness and the IT Centre for Economic Research has Jian-qiu: "3G is the national strategic needs, whether China's economic development or promote the industry chain, there has been immeasurable effect This is not how much money to use the investment evaluation. "

Ericsson Greater China, Deputy General Manager of Marketing and Strategic Planning Lu Yong: "3G is a multiplier of national economy. The new 3G 'Ecosystem' involved in many aspects of the economy than just the value generated in the telecommunications industry, much more . "

Date of

Kan Kaili view:

"3G at the moment, is already an obsolete technology, totally should be to all IP wireless broadband networks to develop, transition, now more than 40 countries and regions are changing. All IP can replace 3G, and more than 3G has a much higher cost. "

Rebuttal comments:

Ministry of Information Communication Technology Committee members, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Song Junde: "I do not agree beyond 3G. From the theory, practice up analysis, I think that 3G is not a disaster. 3G is not beyond stage one, can not look to the mobile communication Generation 5. So I feel a bit anxious, Professor Kan. I found, against 3G, and regarded WiMAX expectations set too high. I am neutral, I think that should not be worried. "

MII telecom expert Dr. Chen Kai: "should be on 3G, or should be directly on the 4G, or other more advanced techniques, depending on the specific development of individual countries reality, can not be generalized. From the current 3G human, material and financial input of view, it seems unlikely to bypass 3G. If you do a bold assumption that China has now decided not on the 3G, who have paid all responsibility? "

Tsinghua University Professor Gao Xudong: "Technology development, especially in technical applications have continuity, we can not be compared directly to stride from the primitive communist society. Therefore, the development of 3G is necessary, even essential, not because of better technology in the future there will not be on 3G. "

Institute of CATR new communication and information technology, vice president of new business research Zheng Youqiang: "Mobile WIMAX and 3G business has some overlap, but the business does not mean that the two technologies overlap completely alternative relationship. Now , can bring more speed 3G standard HSDPA, EVDO which is being implemented, I believe they will give a speed 3G. "


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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Photoshop effect of manufacturing flames soar

There are many textbooks which now have have some examples of combustion, which put it is probably the most "burning words." The process was very simple, very rough. If you are new to Photoshop, you may be surprised, can be a long day, you will find that this effect does not stand scrutiny! You do not like to persuade their people that this reluctance to float the plants looked like things like fire! It may look more like a melting molten steel. If the flame really as this is the case, I am afraid that people will be careful to use a lot more! In addition to matting, the Do not approach it? See the following chart, you will not think about it, maybe. (Figure Fire)

Highlights: stamp visible layer, style of filter, Gaussian blur, liquefied command, Hue / Saturation command, the application of mixed-mode layer.

1. Create a new 560x400 pixel document, with black as background color. Select the font tool, the color is white, in the Font list, select Times New Roman, set the font for the Rugular, size of 150Pt, the way anti-aliasing for the "strong"; if the ratio is not very satisfied with the font size, font spacing can be adjusted and freedom to adjust the zoom tool. You can also use a different font type, as long as the size of almost on the line. Canvas with the Move tool to move to the bottom. (Figure 01)

2. Note that we followed the method used, you may never know there is the use of Photoshop, although rare, it is indeed a very useful skill! In the text layer, new layer one, hold down the Alt key, click the layer with the mouse command, the drop-down menu to find "split visible layers", pay attention to Alt key and mouse are not loose, you will see that the new layers includes the following two-tier content, such as snapshots of history as a record of all visible layers of image content, merge them into a layer, the convenience of editing, while retaining the original layer is not destroyed. When you need to edit but do not want to merge multi-layer, this was a good way. I do not have the command menu in Photoshop to find the command, but in the history panel, you will see the name of the command is called "stamp visible layer", the shortcut key is Shift + Alt + Ctrl + E, in this case in this technique to be used many times. (Figure 02)

3. In the Edit> Transform, the layer 1 rotated 90 degrees, the implementation style of> the wind, by default, three consecutive. (Figure 03)

4. The Layer 1 90 degrees clockwise, back to the original position, with a soft Gaussian blur radius set to 4 pixels. (Figure 04)

5. Here we start a flame coloring. Using hue / saturation color command to layer 1, this layer we are in a bright orange, click on the "color", set hue to 40, Saturation 100. (Figure 05)

6. The Layer 1 copy, continue to use the Hue / Saturation command, the hue to -40, the other the same, you can see, this layer is now into the red. (Figure 06)


7. The Layer 1 copy of the mixed layer to "Color Dodge", so that red and orange to get a good mix, the color of flame came out. (Figure 07)

8. To Layer 1 and Layer 1 copy of the merger to form the new layer 1, we have to describe the appearance of the flame. In Photoshop6.0 version above, there is a new feature, it is liquefied. With it, you do not using any filter can be easily deformed fluid effect. Command in the image, select "liquefaction" will pen the size of transferred 50, the pressure set at 40, the image depicted in the main flame, and then transfer a small brush and pressure, to draw other small flame. You can squeeze with the expansion and reduction tool, draw a realistic flame appearance. If not, hold down Alt, "Cancel" button will become a "reset", remember: you open the liquefaction command dialog box again, the last setting will be saved, you could just plays on the basis of continue. (Figure 08)

9. Well, then we should continue to be modified on the flame, so that its full integration within and outside the flame, the color uniformity of the transition. Select painting tools, with a medium to soft brush, the pressure set to 65%, lightly coated in flames, written to the changing size and pressure, to meet different needs. The appearance of the flame at the bottom of the font to be consistent and not change too much, otherwise it can not be a good combination and fonts. Also note the color of flame, from the outer to the center followed by red - yellow - white. This step is no difficulty, the key is patience and meticulous, from the previous step to this step, we need hand-painted, this is the painting where the most exhausting, and no lazy could steal it, you work it! (Figure 09)

10. Well, the appearance of the flame after the completion of the next work is easier. Copy the "Fire" layer, layer 1 will be moved to the top of a copy, the font color to black. And better integration for the flame, we can move some of the flame level down slightly, so that their basic alignment of the lower edge. (Figure 10)

11. Copy flame layer, (ie layer 1), move it to the font copy of the layer, the layer mixed-mode to "screen", so that the brightness of the flame increased. Click the Layers panel below the "Add Mask" button, as it adds a layer mask. After setting the color to black before the white, select the gradient tool, set the gradient type to "From the foreground to the background color" to create a gradient in the mask, gradient ranging from the Department of text at the top in the end, so that black characters are gradually revealed. (Figure 11)

Copy brighter layer, the mixed-mode to "screen", which is a common effect of nothing, the establishment of light. It is natural, soft effect, much better than using layer styles.

12. Flame around the smoke, and some transparent gas, which makes the flames look not so clear, we increase the number of fuzzy to simulate this effect. New Layer 2, in accordance with the method just stamp visible layer, Gaussian blur, radius of 50 pixels; the layer opacity set to 50%, mixed-mode "screen." (Figure 12)

13. Now the main part of the image has been completed, let us add some effects to it, make it look more realistic. New layer 3, another stamp visible layer, mixed-mode is set to "screen", opacity 60%, which we regard as a reflection. Select the magnifying tool, hold down the Alt key, and zoom function to reduce, in the map, click, until there is enough space around the image, as shown in Figure 13, reverse reflection layer, making it the top and the rest of the basic phase flame Then, a little gap but leaving a reasonable amount, so the effect will appear mysterious.

You are free to use this method on any object, as long as the triggering of an object with the shape of the path will be as a constituency, the other way and above the same. Now you also feel burning effects are so difficult to do it?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Multimedia effect is good, but not indiscriminate

S-jun is to teach law at a university, a young teacher, preparing lessons seriously because of his thick foundation coupled with professional, so popular with college students teach. But now it is one thing but plagued with: that the department requires that all courses have to produce multimedia courseware, or not to the podium. S Jun grumbled, said: "multimedia courseware is not difficult for me. But I personally think that some courses may not apply to such means. For example, I teach the contents of the large number of legal provisions need to be addressed, I do have to collect this a large number of fresh cases and the results can be interpreted very clear about the effect the production of courseware is hard to say. "
Words fall caused the author's some thought.

Now in college, making a growing tendency to Multimedia class, the university's courseware competition are well underway. This is undoubtedly the use of modern technology to promote university education means, the use of sound, light, maps, text and other information elements to stimulate the brain and then teach the students new knowledge is beneficial.

But many universities have been "cut" to require all courses to use multimedia teaching and radical rejection of traditional teaching methods. After some investigation, I think this is wrong. Reasons summarized as follows

First, the use of multimedia courseware in a variety of visual, auditory, profile undoubtedly has its excellent irreplaceable, but because of its speed and can operate in kaleidoscope, in some areas there is a kind of foggy for changing course unpredictable feel. Particularly the relatively weak basis for some students, since its about time seems too short and flip so much less time for students to take notes, so rational and systematic in the article are more a lack of respect.

Second, because teachers need to continue to operate a computer about, and therefore the interaction with the student's communication is not sufficient. Needless to say, school teachers, in large part requires constant interaction and communication with students. Many experienced senior teachers is fine for each observation of students master the knowledge behind the knowledge of its true condition. And this interaction is essential for every teacher.

Third, the use of some large amount of text or numbers of courses, such as law, mathematics, its content was doomed to be the use of concepts, judgments, logic and reasoning to express, if also solely emphasizing the use of courseware to teach the times it becomes a matter The power half, the effect probably will not very good.

In summary, although the university on behalf of teaching with multimedia courseware for higher education in modern high-tech fashion trend, but in practical application, but also on the spirit of "seeking truth from facts" approach, according to local conditions, because of course the system should, the people desirable, but not indiscriminate, but should not be rude to "cut" in order to better achieve traditional teaching methods and the complementary advantages of modern technology, and then complement each other.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

X-Cloner AVI to MPEG

X-Cloner AVI to MPEG is a professional and easy-to-use AVI to iPod Zune iPhone Converter, convert AVI file to MPG, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD, MPEG1/2/4 formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole AVI movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!